Thank You Veterans, Thank You Partners

FamilyWe recently completed a great project.  When Nathan arrived at a home in Severna Park to give an estimate to the homeowner, he noticed the husband in the back yard and inquired about his condition.

Turns out that her husband had come out of the Wounded Warrior Transition Unit at Walter Reed.  He lost his left leg and right arm in a fire fight while deployed to Iraq in 05.

Nathan immediately jumped on the phone to Dianne, president of Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation, Hunter Industries,  John Deere and the plumber and asked for help.  He assembled a team of people and companies wanting to help this couple.

In addition to being able to provide a free irrigation system, Landscape Contractors of Annapolis helped with landscaping and sod for the couple’s home.

We were so proud to be a part of a team of companies to help a veteran who has given so much for us.

A special thank you to all our partners who helped make this possible.


Great Job, Mike Hanley!

Mike Hanley Atlantic Lighting & IrrigationCongratulations to our dedicated employee, Mike Hanley, who recently received a Section Award from The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

Mike received this prestigious award in recognition of his commendable achievement in lighting design for the Anne Arundel County 9/11 Memorial. The award was presented by the District of Columbia section.

The entire team at Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation is extremely proud of Mike. We were honored to be a part of the Anne Arundel County 9/11 Memorial project, and it’s great to see Mike receive this award. His commitment to excellence and professionalism makes him a valued employee. We are privileged to have him as part of our team.

The 9/11 Memorial is located on Veteran’s Highway in front of the Anne Arundel County Police Station.

We Celebrated Best Outdoor Lighting Contractor Award at the Best of Annapolis Party

boa-12What a wonderful evening we had at the Best of Annapolis 2012 event hosted by What’s Up? Magazine.  The Party was held on June 21st at the newly renovated Navy-Marine Corp Memorial Stadium.

The cuisine was comprised of samplings from the region’s best restaurants and included a little of everything and some fabulous desserts.  In addition to the food and entertainment there was a silent auction of countless items including a number of dream vacations.

We are very appreciative to everyone who voted for us as the Best Outdoor Lighting Contractor.

It is an honor to be included in the Best of Annapolis elite group. Be sure to visit our Facebook Page to see more photos from the evening.  Don’t miss the human statue, face painting and entertainers.  While you are there please continue to show your support for our business by Liking our page.

Thank You Annapolis for Voting Us Best Outdoor Lighting Contractor of 2012.

bowc 12For the second year in a row you have shown your trust and appreciation for Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation by voting for us as the What’s Up? Magazine’s Best Outdoor Lighting Contractor for both Annapolis and West County.  We are again honored to be recognized for our work.

We are grateful to the wonderful clients and others who voted for us and appreciate your loyalty.


We’d love to see you at the party on June 21.

We look forward to providing the same quality of service to help businesses and homeowners to design, install, service and repair both landscape lighting and irrigation systems.

Thank you again,

Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation

Committed to Our Troops

EverGreen_Logo_4C-2For military families, life can be especially challenging when a loved one is serving our country overseas. Trying to keep everything running smoothly can seem overwhelming: working, taking care of the children, running errands, maintaining the household. But people want to lend a helping hand and make life a little easier during this difficult time.

Although caring for the lawn may seem like a minor detail, it can be a major hassle when a loved one is away from home.

Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation is proud to participate in Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops program. 

The program provides free lawn maintenance to military families in which the major breadwinner is serving overseas. To date, the program has helped 8,000 military families through a national network of 2,200 volunteers. The program has received national attention and has even been featured on NBC Nightly News and the NBC Weekend Today Show.  Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation is aerating and over seeding the lawns of our deployed troops to help their families keep up with the lawn maintenance during their absence.

“At Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation, we support our troops,” says Dianne Flury, president, Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation. “That’s why we’re involved with Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops. While our men and women are overseas protecting us, we help by aerating and over seeding their lawns. We are proud to participate in the program. It’s a great opportunity to help others and give back to the community.”

Military families with a loved one who is deployed are welcome to participate in Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops program., all you need to do is submit a form.   If a volunteer is available in your area, you’ll be notified. The GreenCare for Troops program is a voluntary effort that relies solely on the good will and generosity of businesses and individuals.

GreenCare for Troops is the signature program of Project EverGreen, whose mission is to preserve and enhance green space in our communities for today and future generations. The nationwide outreach program connects local green industry professionals with men and women who are away from home because they are serving our country in the military.  You can learn more about Project EverGreen

Water Saving Tips – Part 2

OK, so you’ve been turning off the water while brushing your teeth, good for you!  But, there are some more things you can do to conserve

10 More Water Saving Tips for Your Home

  1. Got a newer dishwasher?  Cut back on rinsing as newer models clean much better than older models.
  2. Insulate your hot water pipes so that it doesn’t take as long for water to get hot at the tap.
  3. Score 2 points by dropping your tissue in the trash can instead of the toilet.
  4. Older toilet, installed before 1980?  Place a bottle filled with water in the tank.  This will reduce the amount of water used for each flush without interfering with its operation.
  5. Turn off the water while shaving and save more than 100 gallons a week.
  6. Whether at home or a hotel, consider reusing your towels instead of fresh daily towels.
  7. Reduce the number of loads of laundry you run by making sure all loads are full.
  8. Drop your ice?  Toss it in a plant vs, the sink.
  9. Compost instead of using your garbage disposal.  You can then use the compost for free fertilizer.
  10. Test your shower to see if it’s water efficient, place a 1-gallon bucket in the shower and if it fills in less than 20 seconds, install a water-efficient shower head.

Great Job Atlantic Team!

SSALowCongrats to the entire Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation team on receiving the Superior Service Award from Angie’s List for 2011.

We were honored with this award for exceptional customer service for irrigation in both the Baltimore and Washington DC markets.

It’s all due to our great team of sales and design pros, installers and service techs and our office staff who keep it all running smoothly.

If you’re looking for an irrigation or landscape lighting company, you can feel confident that Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation will handle your job professionally from start to finish.

Water Saving Tips

A drop of water plunges into a body of water, creating a ripple effect --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Running a water efficient home is not as hard as you might think.  With a few simple changes, you can reduce your water consumption by thousands of gallons.  The result is Read more

Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation Proud to Honor 9/11 Victims and Heroes

Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation was honored to help make Anne Arundel County’s 9/11 Memorial a reality.  The memorial features twisted metal and rubble from the World Trade Center’s after their collapse in 2001.

Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation was proud to help make the memorial possible by providing the misting/irrigation system that represents the  dust and smoke that happened when the towers fell that frightful day.

“We hope that this memorial offers survivors a place to come and feel a bit closer to their loved ones,” remarked Dianne Flury, president of Atlantic Lighting and Irrigation.

The 9/11 Memorial is on Veteran’s Highway in front of the Anne Arundel County Police Station.  Private donations for the project exceeded $40,000 and local companies  who donated more than $80,000 in labor and material and Atlantic Lighting & Irrigation was honored to be asked to assist.

Did You See Us in The Capital?

A bittersweet article about the passing of our founder, Steven H. Flury and the arrival of Mary Sears to round out the company’s leadership.  After leaving her engineering job, Mary has taken the role of vice president and is leading the company along side her mother, Dianne Flury.

With Atlantic recently being voted as Annapolis’ Best Outdoor Lighting Contractor, these two ladies have proven that pulling together after such a loss can strengthen both bonds and businesses.